

Membership in ECRESA is $20 for members with incomes over $50,000 and $10 for all others, payable to our treasurer. It is open to all scholars working on fields related to eighteenth-century Russia.

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ECRESA Constitution

Revised November 2020

Article 1: NAME. The name of the association is the Eighteenth-Century Russian Empire Studies Association (hereafter, ECRESA).

Article 2: PURPOSE. The ECRESA is a scholarly, non-profit organization dedicated to fostering closer worldwide communication among scholars in all fields interested in eighteenth-century Imperial Russia; and to promoting the dissemination of scholarly information on eighteenth-century Russian studies by such means as: organizing meetings and conferences; moderating the e-mail listserv of the ECRESA; setting up and maintaining the official website of the ECRESA; and sponsoring ВИВЛIОθИКА: E-Journal of Eighteenth-Century Russian Studies.

Article 3: MEMBERS. Membership in the ECRESA is open to all persons having substantial interest in, and demonstrated evidence of work on, any aspect of scholarship dealing with eighteenth-century Imperial Russia, regardless of their academic affiliation and status within the academy (or outside of it). Members who have paid the annual dues are regular members and are eligible to vote at the annual general meeting of the ECRESA.

Article 4: ANNUAL DUES. The annual membership dues shall be such sum as may be fixed by the Executive Council and approved by a majority of the membership at the general meeting of the ECRESA.

Article 5: MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES. Time and place of the ECRESA's meetings and conferences are chosen by the Executive Council. There shall be at least one general meeting per year.

Article 6: EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. The property of the ECRESA is managed, and its business conducted, by the Executive Council.

(A) MEMBERSHIP AND ELECTION. The Executive Council consists of the six Officers of the ECRESA. All must be current members of ASEEES. Five are elected by a majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting of the ECRESA: a President; a Vice President, who is also President-elect; a Secretary; a Treasurer; and a Moderator of Electronic Communications, responsible for communicating with the membership via the ECRESA’s listserv and website, maintaining the currency of both platforms, and reporting to the Executive Council when any technical issue (e.g., renewal of the subscription for the website’s domain name) requires the input of the ECRESA officers. The sixth Officer is the Managing Editor of ВИВЛIОθИКА, who is chosen by the journal’s Editorial Board and approved by the other Officers of the ECRESA. Additional honorary Officers may be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting of the ECRESA

(B) TERM IN OFFICE. The Managing Editor of ВИВЛIОθИКА is elected for a term of four years, which is renewable by mutual agreement between the journal’s Editorial Board and the ECRESA’s Executive Council. The other five Officers are elected for a term of two years. Successive two-year terms may be provided.

(C) ACTIVITIES OF THE COUNCIL. The ECRESA's business is formally transacted by correspondence between the Executive Council and the members of the ECRESA. All actions taken by the Executive Council shall be duly reported to the membership. A petition by at least ten members may challenge any decision of the Executive Council; such petition shall require the decision to be brought to a vote by the members.

(D) ANNUAL BUDGET. The Treasurer shall present an annual budget at the general meeting for the approval of the Executive Council.


(A) The ECRESA sponsors the publication of ВИВЛIОθИКА. The journal’s day-to-day operations are managed by its Editors, who may or may not be ECRESA members. The ECRESA’s sponsorship consists in the following aspects: (1) The Managing Editor’s role as an ECRESA officer; (2) the Executive Council’s agreement to solicit contributions to ВИВЛIОθИКА from the membership, as well as from other potential authors; and (3) permission to refer to the ECRESA’s sponsorship in the official description of the journal.

(B) In addition to the ECRESA’s official webpage and its sponsored electronic journal, there may be occasional published papers, volumes, and forums in scholarly journals.

Article 8: RAEFF BOOK PRIZE. The ECRESA awards the annual Marc Raeff Book Prize for a publication of exceptional merit and lasting significance for understanding Imperial Russia during the long eighteenth century. The jury for the prize competition will be elected by the members present at the annual general meeting. The winner of the previous year’s prize will be invited to serve on the jury for next year’s award.

Article 9: AMENDMENTS. The constitution can be amended by a two-step process. Amendments must first receive a two-thirds vote of the attendees at the annual general meeting. Then, within one month, those changes must be submitted as a package to an online vote by the full membership. They are deemed to be approved unless a majority of the ECRESA’s members vote to reject them.

Article 10: DISSOLUTION. In the event of dissociation of the ECRESA, any assets remaining after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the ECRESA shall be disposed of exclusively for the purpose of the ECRESA to such organization(s) organized and operated exclusively for scientific or educational purposes.